I seem to be going through a very unlucky phase at the moment - last week I fell up the basment steps and my right leg is now covered in bruises and at the weekend I was out doing some shopping, decided not to get a trolley, dragged an increasingly heavy shopping bag around and finally felt something snap in my back when I hoisted the bag from the ground into the car. I've always had a bit of a weakness in my back - in fact I am one disc short in my neck region. About 22 years ago I had a bad prolapse on Cervical 5 (at the base of the neck) and it had to be removed and a spinal fusion done. I'm okay most of the time, it just means I can't look up at the sky very well or turn my head round very easily - but it does mean that there is a general weakness in the spine (I could actually do a whole blog post on the saga of the pain that led to the operation - I had an MRI done when there was just one place in the whole of the UK that could do it; I also had to have a brain surgeon perform the op because the offending disc was at the base of the brain -more about that another time).
So, the gammy leg and the fact that my back is killing me means of course that I am due to go to the French festival tomorrow that I blogged about here. In spite of the fact that I am existing on pain killers and back gel I am determined to hobble around this venue and kill time until 7.30 when The Killers (it's their singer, Brandon Flowers, in the photos above) come on stage, followed at 9.15 by Mr Springsteen who is due to play until midnight.
We will be setting off around 2pm and it will be the longest that our two bichons will ever have been alone. If Poppy the nutty rescue with mental problems wasn't so difficult I would ask a neighbour to come in and play with them, but she is so bizarre that I cannot take the chance. They really are better left to their own devices (sorry for any Pet Shop Boys earworms that now occur) and they will have been walked and will have full tummies. I'll also leave the television on for them so it will not be very quiet - they are more excitable when there is silence outside because it makes the neighbouring returning cars more noticeable and the dogs more excited.
Believe it or not the French festival authorites have banned cameras (go figure) but I am planning to smuggle one in inside my bra. People are searched going in but I'm sure nobody is going to be shoving their hands inside my underwear. If they do you can be sure I will blog about it.
Oh no! I really really hope that your back holds up for tomorrow!
And how fascinating yet scary that story about your op must be...
Somebody here is barking and it may not be the bichons :-) Ah well I'm sure the fun of the festival will be anaesthetic enough. Have a great time!
Oh, I hoped that your back will be good tomorrow.
Healthy Life & Marvelous world
I do hope Dr Festival makes your back better, I bet Brucie will be great - one of my ex's was in the original E St band which is how come I have been in a bus and on a boat in Paris with the Boss (sorry about the shamelessness of my boasting) - he is as lovely in real life as he appears to be - and hot, hot, hot
Heh-heh...will you actually take the camera out to snap shots or have it rigged to take them from inside your bra?
Hope you feel great and enjoy the day!
Oh FF, back pain is no fun, especially when you are already covered in bruises, dose yourself up with those pain killers and enjoy those other killers and Brucie, I heard he rips his shirt off, that should be enough to take your pain away, if only for an hour or so. The little doggies will have the time of their lives while your out lol.
I want to see those French authorities try to take your crazy blogger camera away from you :-).
Have fun, hugs, Kathy.
Is it something in the air or the time of year? Or maybe in my case my time of life. I fell over in Milas week before last...fell up steps going into the house a couple of days ago. My legs probably look much like yours at the moment!
I hope you are not going to be in too much pain and hope it doesn't prevent you enjoying the festival. Give an extra loud cheer for Bruce Springsteen from me please! Lucky you...enjoy xx
Have fun at Les Vielles Charrues! We've been over the years to the Lorient festival, but dont go now, only to local fest noz.
Ladyfi - well, we won't be setting off until about 3pm (it's only about 20 mins down the road but we want a few hours to get into the festival spirit) and later in the day my back is much better than first thing in the morning. Sitting down is worst than standing so I should be okay ambling about amongst 44,000 festivaliers,
Hiya Frankie - yes, I'm hoping the excitement will take my mind off aches and pains.
thank you skywind - that's very kind words
Lulu - that is a story to be positively shouted aloud - it is not boasting and I demand to see a blog post about it. I also want to know the names of other famous exes. Glad Bruce was a good bloke - he seems like he would be
willow - I'm going to practice the art of coolly fumbling around inside my bra and bringing out the camera - whilst trying not to look devious and furtive
Kathy - I will not be parted from that camera but isn't it ridiculous that they have banned them. I've complained to the official website contact mail and the person who replied agreed with me - that took the wind out of my sails :)
Ayak - I've got so careless lately- nah,it's not our age it's because we have too much to think about :)
Hiya Elizabeth - do you know that I have never been to a festnoz - I would rather jump up and down than round in a circle :)
Determined as always, FF! I love your plan. Hopefully they don't confiscate the camera if they find it ...
Well I didn't have earworms until you mentioned it, now I do!!! Mind you quite like the PSB's.
Have a fab time, sound very cool. Hope you don't get molested, or if you do hope he's good looking ;)
Hope you feel better, and enjoy your day at the festival. Your poppy sounds very interesting. :) And good luck with the smuggling.
Are you going to smuggle in a telephoto lens and tripod too? ;-) Hope you enjoy the festival and that your enjoyment is not marred by too much pain.
Sorry for the injuries...no fun! Good luck on the smuggling. LOL.
So sorry to read about your injuries, FF. Hope you have a great time nonetheless and await your next post for news of the success (or otherwise) of the ingenious smuggling strategy...!
It's me again! Just to add left a short message for you at my place -and do please,by all means, award yourself the L Stand award that's technically for newly discovered blogs (your lovely blog certainly deserves to be another exception!) -that is, if you like that sort of thing!
Love to Misty & Poppy,
I hope your back hold out for the day and look forward to reading about it. The last festival I went to was Blackbush!
Oh dear, Mrs. FF, what a shame about the back pain. (I'm pretty sure your pups will be fine for the night. I think that dogs feel time differently from humans...especially if you leave the TV on.) Why do we push ourselves so much? I think you were determined to handle the walk and the used your will power to make effort. I can relate to the tendency to resist being directed by my body...Mind Power!!
You are going to have such a fun time at the festival/concert...I can see you sneaking out your sweaty camera and taking covert shots of The Boss. But after that night of excitement, you need to take it easy for a while! (The bossy mum is coming out here.)
Have fun! <3
Oh be still my beating heart, a picture of the beautiful Brandon Flowers.
Oh no FF, sorry to hear about this, back pain, oh dear, surely when you see the beautiful Brandon all pain will be forgotten, I hope you have a great day, your enjoyment will take away the pain, nothing like a surge of adrenaline to make you forget.
When I go to golf tournament I always take a camera, I know they are banned, but hey, sometimes you just feel the need for pictures.
Cont Troub - well, I've been practicing sneaky shots and the hidden aspect of said camera - and I think it will be okay. Glad it's a tiny camera and I've got generous cup size :)
clairep -Molested :)))) - nah, too old for that these days -it would be just to get at my camera not my boobs, I reckon
bindu and Jenny - great minds on the smuggling comments - Mr FF is not happy I'm taking it - he bought it for me - but my mind is made up
Steve - I might be an F cup but I think the telephoto lens might be a bit too much :)))
Nora - well the photos are in the interest of my blog, of course. Thanks for the lemonade award.
CA - I'm full of pain killers and gel - and I've been blasting the sore spots with our shower jets, so I am extraordinarily clean.
Cynthia -our pedigree bichon Misty is very very clingy, a real mummy's girl and I know she is upset when we are not here. But it doesn't often happen - usually when we go somewhere they come too and sleep in their lookout car seats. But not this time - my rule break will be with the camera - not the No Animals one
Ann - there is just something so little boyish about him and, as I've said before, he seems the opposite of a rock star - he's sweet and quiet and kind.
Hope that your injuries heal themselves soon and that you both enjoy the festival.I desperately wanted to make a joke about camera hidden in bra and pictures potentially going 'tits up' but I am far too polite to be so crass. Oh shit I posted it ... lol
Hope you are feeling better FF! It is a bit weird but I was thinking of blogging about illness too. If you are interested (I won't bore you with it here)..it's on my run/diet blog. Oh what the hell...I've got pins and needles permanently from my ribcage to my toes on both sides (had it for a week now) and it's driving me mad!
So I feel massively for you at the moment...enjoy the festival and hope you get better soon. H xx
Oh dear, you have been accident prone! I hope that you can enjoy the festival.
Poor sweetie.
Yes, I feel jinxed this week and last week. What does one do? Fight back or take up Winston Churchill's stance: when you're walking through Hell, walk through it quickly.
Take it easy and be careful xxxx
Phil - I was so paranoid about using the camera and I think the frequent fumbling in my bra to make sure it had not turned itself on must have alerted everyone to the fact that I was 'up to no good'
Hade - it sounds like you have a trapped nerve and I know how painful that can be. You need to see Someone - hope it gets sorted out soon
cheshire wife - I'm being very careful today - in fact I can barely move
Jen - aw, poor you - hope our luck changes soon. As for walking quickly - I can't really do anything quickly atm :)
Oh my God! You are in the wars! You poor ducky, as someone comforting used to say to me. Don't ever lift anything, if you have a dicey back. I have a long one and was warned of trouble as I would age. Always lift with the legs etcetera. But I did it in anyway and now I insist someone else has to help me, "or my back might go out", I say. For a smoke, I wish I could add, but I had to give that up too. Ain't agin great?
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