I have gone on and on about my new found love for The Killers. For the last couple of months I've been playing their three CDs practically every day. I know, I know - you already knew they were brilliant; well, I didn't know they were as good as they have turned out to be. I can never quite decide which of their three albums I like the best. At the moment it is the second one because to me it sounds very much like another musician I admire a lot - Bruce Springsteen during his Born to Run era.
So, imagine my delight when I found out that not only Springsteen but also The Killers are due to play at the festival I blogged about here. It is years since I've gone to a festival and 2009 will be the year that I do it again. In fact I have just bought tickets. And there was me feeling sorry that I wasn't going to see them at the O2 Arena this month.
I do hope it's going to be a dry July and no, I'm not going to be buying that device
I've seen Brucie, he was great and I still have a huge crush on him - lucky girl!
Good for you! Some line up. (I'd have gone last year for Morcheeba alone).
Lulu - you could go too - people come from all over France. Go on - treat yourselves. We can have a blog rave all on our own
BroTob - I don't know who is headlining on the other three days. They've only released the first day's bill. Saturday night is usually the biggest name of all - maybe if Coldplay are doing Glasto this year, it might be them in Brittany. I do hope se - I know it's fashionable to knock them but I like them.
I saw Lloyd Cole and the Commotions in Aix en Provence (a long time ago, cough cough), and Bruce Springsteen in St James Park (Newcastle) even longer ago - only recently did I realise that I had narrowly missed seeing Silvio from the Sopranos on lead guitar because Nils Lofgren was standing in for him that year...
Hiya Luce - I have equal love for 'Silvio' and Nils - I just love that 'Black Books' song that Nils wrote and as for Silvio, what's not to love? Didn't his real-life wife play his on-screen wife? Wasn't that sweet - although maybe she insisted on it.
Yay! Have fun! :D I've just recently rediscovered the Killers myself!
Brucie is coming here too! And Madonna...
Have to confess that I don't know the Killers - mm... will have to rectify this situation toute suite!
Do I know the Killers???..better check them out.
Here is a link to magnets and iron filings..not a good idea to drop a magnet into them..its near impossible to get them of again!!!
Have fun! I just clicked on "that device" and was thrilled to find you can buy "used" ones !!!! LOL
Not as keen on The Killers meself, but love The Boss - Get your Rock Chick gear on, FF - It will be fabulous! x
This must be your lucky year! Have fun!!
LOVE the Killers! Not a big Bruce fans... but there are a few songs I LOVE Secret Garden and the one from Philadelphia!
I've been very tempted by The Killers but have yet to part with cold hard cash to get hold of their products...
You would be stupid not to make the most of this opportunity. Hope the weather is kind and you enjoy it.
Oh FF, you are going to have a great time! Lucky you!
Well you're just going to be in music nirvana aren't you!!!
I'm so distracted by "that device"! I had no idea such things existed ...
Jessica - occasionally I wonder if I come over a little 'gauche', going on about an (well once they were) indie band. Then I think that when I was quite young - about 5 or 6 - my parents took me to the Proms and I was quite entranced by the music, so I reckon age has nothing to do with being stirred by music of any genre.
ladyfi - Go on, get a Brucie bonus - sorry, wrong show.
Blu -hehehehe, I thought about it yesterday afternoon and realised - all on my little unscientific own - that that would be the outcome. Yes, check out the Killers but you might find you already have heard a couple of tracks - on 'Strictly' a few dancers chose Killers songs to dance to.
softinthehead - hello there. Eeew, yuk, dees-gusting.
AWONI - rock chick gear, now that is funny. I'll be in baggy linen - my eternal summer uniform - but with very bright colourful shoes and bags - and maybe a big straw hat.
willow - well, much can go wrong with things booked so long in advance. Fingers crossed we all have a lucky year though.
Fifi Flowers - hello you. Yay, go us with our Killers Love. Go Brandon, Yay - (slaps herself to become normal again)
Steve - do it, download their third one first, then the first and then the second and come back and tell me that you did the right thing. You won't want to play anything else for ages
cheshire wife - I've got some great rubberised boots so if the weather is rubbish I'll be muddy but okay.
Cynthia - I'm so excited, like a kid (but you probably all knew that already).
nikki - we'll be right at the back because there is no way I'm going to stand queuing for hours and we also have to see to the bichons before we go. It's scheduled for 4pm and we'll probably get there at 3.45. I have seen on forums that some people plan on sleeping in the street outside the arena for a few nights just to be at the front.
ContemTroub - I checked out their main site - just because I couldn't figure out how it worked and there is a diagram. Do you know - it's not such a bad idea.
I reckon it would be better to watch on TV. That way refreshments and clean conveniences are a short step away.
TAF - there is something to be said for that point of view and I'll be thinking of it when I'm sat in that muddy field, mozzies going at me like I'm their supper, with crossed legs in more ways than one and the rain pouring down. But as long as 'Mr Brightside'/'All these things that I've done'/ 'Human'
and 'Dustland Fairytale' are played, then I won't care a jot about the rubbish conditions.
Gosh sweetie, have never been to a festival ever. hope you have a brilliant time.
Bruce Springsteen goes on for hours doesn't he. My friend had to leave after three hours of him because she got her period.
Thats the effect he has!
Has your comments thing got a bit posher - or am i imagining it? xxxx
Jen - 3 hrs! I wouldn't want to hear one single act for 3 hrs - although I think the whole first day of the festival starts at 4pm and runs till about midnight. But that's with 3 other acts and lots of tuning up and *un deux trois* in the mike. And lots of people singing out of tune (us, the audience) watching people on a stage singing out of tune.
I've changed the comments layout slightly - just to see what it looked like, this is instead of studying. I'm bored with being a student today.
Sounds like a festival custom made for you!
Are you sure you shouldn't pack 'that device' just in case?:-)
Born to Run -- Springsteen at his most inspired in my very humble esteem.
Lane - You'd still have to use the portaloos - it just means you don't need to sit down or even get undressed.What I'd like is a discreet device to save me from having to move at all - now there's an idea for someone.
Ian - I'm with you there and imagine some of the best songs from it will feature in his live show. Although, with his new album to plug (the reviews have been a bit cool), I should imagine a lot from that will be played.
Who was it said that when a group plays live they should only play the songs everybody already knows? I'm in that camp really. (I think I read it in response to Neil Diamond's appearance at Glastonbury last year.
I just want to let you know that I'm not jealous....I'm not jealous at all!!!
C x
It's good to be back :-)
I'm sure you'll have a fab time, and hope that the summer is a good one this year, we certainly need it.
Lol, re the device!
Carol - Yes, but you've got all the UK festivals. Isn't there one not far from you?
Deb - yes, but not a heatwave please because I don't do well in extremes of heat. I'd like it a constant 72/73 degrees all summer.
As for the device, I wonder if I'll be cursing the fact I don't have one when I see the festival portaloos - although we'll be there the first day when they should still be fairly sanitory.
I like the Killers, too. And envy your festival. Been going to Springsteen since the Tunnel of Love tour. I went to 8 shows last year to see Bruce, including the now-epic three and a half hour show in St. Louis where he played over 30 songs. Nearly destroyed my knee dancing so long on the concrete arena floor. Thankfully, he's opening this year's tour in April only two hours away from where I live in the California mountains. Oh, and I love your blog.
Hello there Gabby - I thought Jenny Smith (see above) was joking when she said the Bruce concert went on for 3 hrs.
I don't think I could cope with 3 hrs - well, perhaps :)
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