Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Catching Up

Whoever thought I would become such a part-time blogger? Remember how this was my world for so long? It seems like it all happened to another person. I used to find so much to talk about, it was really like brain-dumping I guess and one day in the future, when I am much older than now, I will be heartily glad that I can look back at what I wrote on here for several years; let's face it, I probably won't even remember anything about my life then. I don't mean to sound gloomy as I am quite positive these days.

I've almost got my NVQ3 diploma in my little hands. I will be meeting my tutor for a Christmas lunch next week and will be presented with my certificate which will then mean I am officially qualified. I am still at the same nursing home but mainly working with end of life residents - those with just a few days or a week left to live. I've washed a few bodies, have been with many taking their last breaths, have spent time hugging the dying and trying to make them laugh. Death holds no fear for me now - and other cliches like that.

I wish that years ago I had the ambition that I now seem to have developed. I am beginning the 'Revised CV Circulation Exercise'. I began it yesterday and three homes have been in touch with me already. I am looking either to relocate to somewhere like Bristol, Bath or Brighton (the 'B' thing is just a coincidence) or else to try and stay very near to where I am now (in between Maidstone and Rochester in Kent). The next job will hopefully make me a deputy manager and then I need to be sponsored to take the Registered Manager Award diploma. So you see I do have a career path - whoever would have thought that in my fifties I would find Ambition and Determination.

On the man front I have been on so many dates this year. One man I liked very much but he didn't feel the same. Lots of others wished to pursue things, but on my part it would have been just for the sake of it. There's no point with that really. I am still sharing the house with the two bichons and the friend that I met at French Weight Watchers. I've begun going to zumba classes and adore it. The weight has stayed off, no more has been shed but this year was really about maintaining the four stone weight loss before trying to get the last couple off.

All in all it's been an exercise in (hard not to sound cheesy now) getting my life back on track really. I hope anyone reading this can understand that when you think everything has gone tits up there can always be some sort of better time ahead.


GaynorB said...

One word ...BRAVO!
Two words ...BONNE CHANCE!

French Fancy... said...

Blimey Gaynor - what a quick response. It's the instant feedback like this that makes me love blogging so much. I must return methinks. thank you very much

Lola said...

Another word ...FĂ©licitations!

Steve said...

Good for you. Nothing lasts forever - and that's a comfort when we go through bad times. So glad to hear things are on the up and up for you!

French Fancy... said...

Lola - helooooo and kisses to Nora

Steve - Everything changes and nothing is constant (isn't that what they say?). Thank you matey.

e said...

I am so happy to hear this...I know you come by and I appreciate your interest but I'm happy that things are turning around for you. Congratulations on your credentials!

Ayak said...

Welcome back. I knew you could do it. I knew you had the resilience to get to this point and to go further.

No-one could be more happy for you than I am. Well done xxxx

Ms Scarlet said...

Bloody well done you! This is a genuinely inspirational post and I'm very, very pleased for you.

the fly in the web said...

Yes, and this time it's your track and you're going places!
Just so delighted and really proud of you!

Lola said...

PS Moi again!

Always welcome your visits but maybe best to keep away from my current post in view of your present work!

PPS Nora sends kisses to you & the bichons!

French Fancy... said...

e - yes, I do pop in and see you, in fact I pop into lots of blogs but never leave my mark. I don't know why really.

Hello Linda - it's lovely to make contact with you again. I shouldn't have been out of blogging circulation for so long

Scarlet - thank you sweetie

Fly, the lovely Fly - thank you so much

Lola again - xx

Actually it is kisses to one and all. I've missed you

Jean said...

It's nice to see you back in blogland and I'm so pleased for you that you have achieved so much this year. Well done !!

A Super Dilettante said...

FF - My dear, welcome back! Congratulations on your diploma and I knew you would pass with flying colours and very well deserved! Bristol, Bath or Brighton - they are all wonderful close to London. If you like the sea, Brighton might be an option. But then you see, you might meet a new best gay boyfriend in Brighton which wouldn't do at all! I'll be awfully jealous!! ASD x ;-)

French Fancy... said...

Thank you Jean

and my lovely ASD - you will always and forever be my best gay boyfriend. This I promise you and I also promise you a letter before the next week or so xx

GaynorB said...

I'm on strike today (actually preparing a lesson for tomorrow!), hence the speed of response.

Rosie said...

Welcome back. What a lot you have achieved. Well done you.

cheshire wife said...

I am full of admiration for you. Good luck with the job hunting. If you end up in Bath I shall be so envious.

Anonymous said...

I am a very part time blogger too these days - thank you for your comment. I have been thinking about you and meaning to e-mail you for ages and just not got around to it. I just don't understand where this year has gone. Your news sounds really positive - well done and good luck with the job hunting. We shall definitely meet up, but the way things are going I think it will have to be January.

Anonymous said...

GRrat to hear all's going well - but you've desreved it as you obviously work hard. I don't blog quite as much as I used to either but I blame signing up to Facebook for that!

Vera said...

Well done you! You are making great progess and have also resisted the urge to bounce into a rebound relationship which means that you giving yourself time to heal. I am sure that the right job position will find you, and I envy you your recent work of sitting with those who are on their way to passing over. I had a short spell of this work a few years ago and I absolutely loved it. Sending you loads of blessings, and look forward to reading how you are getting on in the future.

French Fancy... said...

Double hello to Gaynor. Up the teachers.

Thanks Rosie

Hello CW - you never know - it might end up Leeds or Manchester. It's really more where the right sort of job for my next step is.

Yay - CA, lovely to see you here

Wotcher Dummy

Thank you Vera - the job hunting is taking precedent and then I think the new home and finally - hopefully - the man

The bike shed said...

Well done you. I'm a great believer in coming through; looking forward but not necessarily forgetting the past.

French Fancy... said...

Hiya Mark - now and then I get a wobble and a big moment of 'anxious about the future' then I just try and calm down. Fear can really cripple and other cheesy remarks.

Anonymous said...

I love your attitude and determination and courage!

Congrats on your diploma!

marc aurel said...

There's a wonderful retirement home in Henfield, West Sussex called Red Oaks. I know because my 96 year old mother has been living there for a few years.

French Fancy... said...

Thanks Fi x

marc -off I go to google it

Carol said...

I think you are totally fabulous and I know that you will achieve what you set out to and that you will achieve it with knobs on!

(I'm rooting for Bristol or Bath...they are both fairly near me!!)

C x

French Fancy... said...

Carol - wouldn't that be great - to become real life friends. xx

Wylye Girl said...

FF, lovely to read that life is treating you well. You seem to have packed so much into your life since you returned from France. Bravo! If you do go to Bristol or Bath let me know as both are in my neck of the woods x

French Fancy... said...

OOh hello WG - how good to know people like you and Carol are in the vicinity - should I be lucky enough to find a good job in that neck of the woods.

This Ro(a)mantic Life said...

Such a terrific update! I'm happy to hear so much is working so well. Your job, your personal pursuits -- I hope you'll keep us in the loop :)


French Fancy... said...

Hello CT - it's been a long time. Missed you

Ed Pilolla said...

i can feel the positivity on your end. i admire the experience of death you are living. you seem to be working a rubber-meets-the-road place of our society. great to get this update:)

French Fancy... said...

Cheers for this, Ed.

Phil Lowe said...

I didn't know that you had returned to blogging part time otherwise I would have responded sooner. Very well done! Proud of you.

Phil x