Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Take out the old and ring in the new

It's hard not to use clichés at this time of year and get slightly melancholy about the passing of time. But let's try to desist, eh.

It's been a good year for me and at last my blog has finally come of age - it's only taken me about four years to perfect the art of keeping it up-to-date. It has also meant that I've got to know some fantastic bloggers out there and, despite never having met any of you, I think of you as friends. Sometimes virtual friends can be as good as or - (dare I say it?) - even better than real life friends. You don't get interrupted, let down or put upon by blogland friends. You don't have to answer the phone to them if you are not in the mood or remember to send them cards for events. You can dip in and out of their lives, as they do with yours and they are articulate, witty, funny and kind.

I hope that all bloggers who have dallied here for a while and who write all the cracking posts that I love to read have a good year ahead. Let's hope there are good books, good wines and good food and laughter to be had over the next twelve months.


Blu said...

French Fancy it has been great to meet you here in Blogland. I never thought that I would be a blogger too. Take care best wishes Blu xx

Dumdad said...

And it was great to meet you this year in the blogospher too.

Bonne Année!

Frankofile said...

Yup, bolgmates are the bestest!

Frankofile said...

blogmates, too

Henry the Dog said...

Happy New Year to you and Mr FF, Poppy and Misty (and many more New Years, if we're spared:))

Cynthia Pittmann said...

What a nice tribute to your blogfriends, I like you and you don't get on my nerves! If all relationships could be so simple! I look forward to reading more posts in the year ahead...(though not a Brit ex-pat, I hope I am welcome here.)
Happy year 2009!

Brother Tobias said...

'articulate, witty, funny and kind'
That's exactly what they are; well put.

Have a great year.

Tess Kincaid said...

I raise a cup of kindness to you, bloggy friend! Happy New Year!

Larry M. Brow said...

As ever, well said.

French Fancy... said...

Blu - I'm pleased that you began your blogspot blog Blu - and the other one.Perhaps next year we'll even get to meet in the real world.

Dumdad - I got to meet you when I still had my antiquated template. My, it seems like a long time ago.

Frankie - bolg mates sounds even better. You can be my bolg mate for life

Henry -let's hope we have at least 40 years left of blogging. I can just imagine me at age 90 with arthritic fingers and cataracts trying to do a blog post.

Cynthia - now for an academic you can be very silly, very silly indeed(to be said in a Monty Python daft voice). This here is not just for expats. Actually very few blog mates (and a bolg mate in Frankofile) are expats. I love meeting people on here from all over the world - it makes the world seem so little. I am glad I don't get on your nerves. I know what you mean though.

BroTob - if the Christmas cap fits, my friend...

willow - and a cup of cheer back to you, m'dear.

Larry - a blogger could get a big head you know. Happy Potting.

Dottie said...

Blogging (or bolgging, if you like) has been one of the highlights of my year. Meeting folk like you Frenchie, and all the other smashing mates who are indeed witty, articulate, funny and kind has been a great joy. May I wish you and yours all joy, peace and hope for deux mille neuf.
Dot x

Anonymous said...

kind and funny, that's you alright. Just struck me that is might have been you who gave me an award [the name gave it away-astute of me or what?] and I never thanked you. Well if it was, I truly do...thank you I mean.

A very healthy and happy new year to you and yours.

Kathy said...

Hi FF, I am so glad you are my bloggy friend and I look forward to 2009 here in blogland in your company, have a wonderful New Year, I will think of you as the clock strikes midnight (eight hours after you all) and toast to my bloggy friends who have enriched my life in so many ways. I read the uncommon reader BTW and enjoyed it immensely, thanks for the recommendation. Have fun, biggest hugs, Kathy. Happy New Year, it will be very loud here tonight oh dear!. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the cliches - will try to use them next year.

Be joyous! Dance!

nikkicrumpet said...

It has been a complete pleasure getting to know you these past few months. I enjoy my visits here immensely...and look forward to sharing many more laughs in 2009. I hope it brings joy, health, and only the best to you and your family! Thanks for sharing a part of yourself with me here in blogland. It's funny how often I say stuff like...."well this friend of mine who used to live in London was telling me the other day" cracks me up that I feel like I know you and we're pals! But hey...I guess we do and we are! YAY US!

justme said...

Yup! I am with you on the bloggy friends thing! WAY easier than so called 'real life' friends. And generally more supportive and fun too...

laurie said...

happy new year! SO nice to meet you!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year
Luv Mikey XXX

marc aurel said...

Seven minutes to go here. Very many happy new years to you!

lady jicky said...

FF its lovely to pop by and see what you are all up to . I hope 2009 is a great year for us all!

Lee said...

Very best wishes for a fun-filled 2009.

Carol said...

I'll drink to that!! (Actually, I'll drink to anything but that gives me a good excuse :-)).

*raises glass* here's to blogland and the wonderful people that inhabit it!!

Happy New Year

C x

French Fancy... said...

Hello dottie, thanks for the that. The same back again - with Distinction (you did do well)

Moanie - I don't think it was me that gave you the award but you deserve lots of awards so I wish it had been.

Mama -hope you don't feel too exhausted after all the work you've had to do in the run up to your mammoth parties at Christmas and Hogmany San Franciscan style.

Lady Fi - my OU tutor of the previous course would mark essays down if there were too many cliches. Consequently I have a surplus to use and I use them all the time. Feel free to join me.

niiki-If you knew how often I would forward a link to your blog to one of my real world friends you might be a tad embarrassed. I'm proud to count you as a friend - although that actually goes for everyone on this little column here

justme - I hope you have a good year ahead and hope you manage to be in the right place at the right time

laurie - the same to you and I hope to pop in more regularly in this, the new year

Mikey - same to you sweetie

Marc - let's hope this new year sees you in better health.

ladyj - I hope you, Lord J,Rosie, Oscar and Carlos the little baby have a great year ahead down under

Lee - The same to you buddy

Carol - Let's share a glass of virtual champagne to a great year ahead full of new adventures back in the UK for you.

Jennysmith said...

Really up for that, FF. 2009 will be even better for us. xxx

French Fancy... said...

Yes, Jen, we must believe, must believe (runs round in a demented fashion)

Elizabeth said...

Happy New Year!
Yes, blogging friends are such fun - like minds connecting in cyber space.
I'm off to meet a blogging friend who tirned into a ral world friend later today.
Happy Blogging in '09

Jessica said...

Happy, Happy 2009 to you! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you in Blogworld. I found you through Elizabeth in NY.

Kathy said...

I've dallied and i've dillied....... (smiles). We have recovered thank you FF and feel refreshed and ready to start this New Year. Enjoy your books. Happy, Happy 2009, hugs, Kathy.

French Fancy... said...

Elizabeth - happy blogging and photographing NY to you.Hope the meet turns out good -I'm sure it will.

Jessica - hi there and the same to you

Britt - thanks for coming to see me. Happy new year to you and I'll be popping by very soon

Kathy -Mama - glad you are not too fatigued after all your hostessing.Here's to happy 2009 blogging
(raises virtual glass)

Tim Atkinson said...

How very true! But do you think we're all part of a cyber-reality extravaganza? (I've just been reading Steve's last post!) Anyway, happy blogging in 2009.

Lane Mathias said...

It's been great to meet you too this year. And the Bichons of course:-)

Wishing you all the absolute best for this year:-)

cheshire wife said...

All the best for 2009.

You are so right about blogland friends. Let's hope that this is just beginning.

French Fancy... said...

Dotterel- the same to you and your lovely family.Hope the book sales are terrific.

Lane - the same to you back again

cheshire wife -ditto to your gang. It certainly is just the beginning.

Deb said...

Happy New Year! I have been out wandering around in Blogland and stopped in for a visit. I enjoyed your writing style - very comfortable place you have created here. Celebrate!

French Fancy... said...

Deb - and a Happy New Year to you.Once I've finished my essay I'll be by for a vist

natural attrill said...

I hope you have a wonderful 2009,
Happy New Year!