Wednesday, November 05, 2008

One for Wednesday

I got quite emotional during his victory speech so I can't begin to imagine how all those who voted for him felt.Today is a good day.


Carol said...

I completely agree!!!

C x

justme said...

Isn't it great? A real historical moment..... I was up at 3.00am checking the results.....

mouse (aka kimy) said...

it feels great!!!!!!! thanks for sending the vibes - although only u.s. citizens could vote, I personally felt that the world was with us!!!

yes, it was a wonderful speech....and did I ever cry with happiness. although the election is over, as they carpenters sung (in that godawful song) we've only just begun.....

mouse (aka kimy) said...

p.s. thanks for popping in at the mouse yesterday and your lovely comment. quite behind with responses to comments - we have been busy over here!

I love french fancy too.... and if you ever get to nibbling the mouse, you'll not be able to help but notice I fancy france and the french quite a bit!!

Tess Kincaid said...

"Tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope."

President-Elect, Barack Obama

I am truly proud to be an American today!!! :D

Anonymous said...

A brave man with a mighty challenge in front of him.
A truly historic day!

French Fancy... said...

carol - good! :)

justme - we did the same. It was a historic moment.

mouse - or should I say kimy? - I hope he has a bit of a rest now, although I guess excitement and adrenalin are quite good stimulants.

willow - he is such a brilliant speaker. After a mumbling duffer like Bush who can't even read his notes properly, Obama is an articulate highly intelligent man who really seems genuinely nice and kind.

anonymous - are you my Nantes-Brest canal expert? Welcome back if you are and hello anew if you are not.

Frankofile said...

Oh and just to be trivial but that bit about his daughters having earned the new puppy that will go with them to the White House...sob!

Anonymous said...

No,definitely not a canal expert. But I do love Venice. :)

Tim Atkinson said...


French Fancy... said...

frankie - yes, the pup, aw. I bet they'll be a presidential aide just to use the poop scoop.

anonymous - hello, I do find anonymous posts very intriguing and wonder if it is anyone I know irl

The Dotterel - you said it!

Carla said...

I cried and cried!
Then I sang a song from the Wizard of Oz--"Ding dong, the witch is dead, the witch is dead. Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead."

You know what though, I was mighty proud of McCain. His concession speech with first rate. He's a good man, it's too bad he's in the wrong party.

Laura Jayne said...

I did vote, it was an amazing thing to be part of history.