Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Web logs

The first time I heard the term 'blogging' was during the BBC programme Have I Got News For You - it must have been about nine or ten years ago (when Angus Deayton still looked like a bright young thing). Paul Merton (on the right in the photo for all you non-Brits) was talking about weblogs and Ian Hislop - in his usual semi-sneery but very funny way - repeated the word incredulously 'weblogs...blogging you say...who would want to read the thoughts of ordinary people over the internet' ? Obviously I'm paraphrasing here because I can't recall the exact words Hislop used, but you get the idea. I'm sure Hislop also said words to the effect of 'it'll never catch on' but maybe he didn't. If he didn't then he should have, because it was the sort of thing that he would say.

When I find an interesting-looking blog obviously the first thing I do is read the latest entry then, if my interest is piqued, I check out the profile and - again if interest is maintained - I go to the first few entries that the blogger ever made. A blogger's first few posts usually contains so much personal information, maybe things that they should not even be divulging and, basically, as a rather curious person (okay then, just bloody nosy), I like to know loads. Discretion usually creeps in after the blogger's nearest and dearest has had a read, then a rant -'why on earth did you put this?'- and a more detached viewpoint is then followed. Having said that, some of the blogs I read contain such personal and intimate details that sometimes I really worry for them.

I'm quite a secretive blogger. I seldom say much* about my truly personal life. I'd rather read about yours.

*having said that, I do cover subjects like my father's death and my 18 day stint in hospital which I reckon could be classed as truly personal, not to mention my taste in footwear.


Dumdad said...

". . . some of the blogs I read contain such personal and intimate details that sometimes I really worry for them."

So not me then, that's a relief.

I don't want to worry you but I've added you to my bloglist; I see I'm on yours with rather cool picture. I wonder if I can do that to mine?

Anyway, yes, it's all a little strange this blogging thing. I never thought I'd take to it but I enjoy the process. I used to be a big letter writer (no, not BIG letters on a page but lengthy letters) but email and blogging have mostly put paid to that.

The only times I write long letters are to aged relatives who don't know what email is, let alone blogs.

Dumdad said...

Yes, it's called thumbnail and now I get cool pix....

French Fancy... said...

I take it as a compliment, especially in view of your sub-editorships. Feel free to correct my grammar - I do find that the more I try and speak French (ha! like I do it that often), the less I seem able to construct a sentence in good English.

I too used to be a letter writer and there are still some old pals in the UK that I correspond with. Letters are so nice to receive, instead of bills and junk mail.

Hadriana's Treasures said...

Hi French Fancy, Yes I know what you mean about "how much to leave in or out". I started out writing the blog for a variety of reasons.

I enjoy the writing process and I enjoy reading about other people's lives. I can't reveal too much about my family (but perhaps do?)...I suppose I meander along!

Good luck with yours...

marc aurel said...

Try the meme I just got from Steph.
I too started out thinking I would not reveal too much of myself, but have ended up telling almost every private thing about me, except my real name. I still have a horror of someone I don't know, turning up on our doorstep saying, "Hi, I've got to know you from your blog".

French Fancy... said...

Hadriana - It's so tempting to put in those extra little details that I really have to consciously curb my natural inclination to be a blabbermouth - I suppose it's a blabberblogger really.

French Fancy... said...

marc -I'm sure you mean those other stalkers and not me. I'm blogging from the bus stop and I'll be round in a minute.

uber said...

Now, this is where having a discrete user-id for virtually every virtual interaction really pays off!

marc aurel said...

You, I wouldn't mind:)

French Fancy... said...

uber, who are you again ?

French Fancy... said...

marc - me and my 27 cousins will be round at 3.30.

La Bête said...

It's a minefield. A minefield I tell you.

French Fancy... said...

la bete - I just noticed your comment. sorry to leave you all unanswered. I hate it when I leave a comment and there's no response. So thanks for popping in and you are the soul of discretion on your blog.