Thursday, September 06, 2007

New term begins - almost

All my OU books arrived the other day and my man keeps calling me a Hermione because I've begun the course already, even though it doesn't officially start for about another three weeks. I've not been sent details of my tutor yet and I really hope whoever I get has a better rapport with me than my previous one. Maybe it's sour grapes - I ended up with 65% and thought I deserved a better mark - or maybe I just wasn't as good as I thought.

Having said that, 40% is the pass mark so I did reasonably well but I worked so hard and did my home exam absolutely honestly, even running out of time but not going beyond the required two hours which, with hindsight, was a bit silly. What difference would another 15 mins or so have made, except to maybe give me a higher percentage.

My first year was a basic bit of everything Humanities course and this year is just literature, beginning with the realist novel, my main four for the first two assignments being Frankenstein, Fathers and Sons, Great Expectations and Pride and Prejudice.

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