Monday, June 26, 2006

Better than ever

I've come to realise that I must have been feeling pretty crap over the last few years and I'm wondering how much of that was due to a faulty gall bladder/liver (finally rectified ,in case you haven't read an earlier entry). I just seem to have so much energy now and can't stop cleaning, sorting things out, moving about and generally being far more active than I have been for a long long time.

In addition to this I've also discovered how wonderful alcohol can be. If this sounds a bit precious, about 18 months ago I suddenly went off having a drink, apart from the odd glass of champagne. After years of enjoying the grape, it just lost its appeal. I think this must have been due to my liver going on a protest, as it had a lot to cope with in the days when I was a wild child.

I'm not going all religious but I feel a bit like I've been reborn.

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